Thursday, May 28, 2020

DMC: "Water's Meditation" by Lynn Vieira


still lake, reflecting
drop a pebble in, witness
thoughts, rippling outward

© 2020 Lynn Vieira. All rights reserved.

TLD reader Margaret Simon has challenged us to write a mindful poem about the present moment. Click HERE for more details and to add your poem to the padlet. While some poems will be shared as daily ditties this month, all contributions will be included in a wrap-up celebration tomorrow, Friday, May 29th.


  1. This is lovely, Lynn. Besides the moment itself, I like how the structure of your haiku sets apart the key words "reflecting," "witness," and "rippling outward."

  2. Lynn, a calming poem, reminding me why I love to be near the much of the time my brain seems to just calm and then the thoughts flow and they do seem to ripple outward. You've captured that moment of aha! And I am transported to the beach or lakeside in an instant, which I need these days. Janet Clare F.

  3. The choice of the word witness makes this small poem wise.
