Tuesday, May 6, 2014

DMC: "Rubber Pod" by Violet Nesdoly

Rubber Pod

Killer Whale toy
rolly as the ocean
kids get toppled, dunked, Mom and Dad
whale watch.

© 2014 V. Nesdoly. All rights reserved.

Laura Purdie Salas has challenged us to come up with a water-themed cinquain this month.  Click HERE for details.  If you would like to join in the fun, use the contact form in the sidebar to the right to send me your splashtastic poem!


  1. This is great, Violet! I can picture it so vividly and I LOVE the last line zinger. Thanks for joining in this month. :)

  2. You're welcome, Michelle. Thanks for the feature! As soon as I saw the challenge I thought of that ill-designed blow-up toy which was more dangerous than fun.

    Violet N.

  3. Love that 'mom and dad whale watch', Violet. What fun. When I first saw the word "pod", I imagined some kind of plant! Thanks also to you Michelle.

  4. What a fun and unexpected take on whale watching, Violet! Line 3 is my favorite:>)
