Thursday, May 28, 2020

May DMC Wrap-Up Celebration

Marco Verch

The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.
          – Jon Kabat-Zinn

At the beginning of this month, Margaret Simon challenged us to write poems of presence— mindful poems about the present moment. Mary Lee Hahn and Heidi Mordhorst took up the challenge with enthusiasm and turned it into a movement... or at least a hashtag on Twitter

that has been quietly bustling all month long. Combined with activity on blogs and other social media platforms, there were far more mindfulness poems this month than could possibly be captured on our humble DMC padlet. Nevertheless, we ended up with a diverse collection of more than 50 submissions that I'm proud to share with you today.

I marvel at so many of these insightful little gems—

poems from home . . .

"Mindfulness Meditation" by telwink

 from yards . . .

"Keeping the Balance" by Matthias Ripp

and gardens . . .

"Zen in the Gardens" by Joseph Illingworth

from our jaunts around the neighborhood . . .

"Mindfulness" by Paul Ritchie

poems that teach us
"Wherever you go, there you are."
                    – Jon Kabat-Zinn
Satish Krishnamurthy

"The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are moments where we touch each other." 
          – Jack Kornfield
Sharon Pazner

Thank you to everyone who contributed poems this month—I was touched by them all. I hope they've helped you stay afloat as much as they've helped me.

"Mindfulness on Red Lake" by Steve Jurvetson

But most of all, my heartfelt gratitude goes to Margaret who came up with just the right challenge at just the right time.

Scroll through the poems below or CLICK HERE to open a new tab.

Made with Padlet

Inspired to add your own mindfulness poem to the collection? Visit Margaret's spotlight interview for instructions and then click on the pink dot with the plus sign to add your poem to the padlet. While there aren't many days left in May, I'll be leaving this padlet open indefinitely, so feel free to add to it at any point in the future.

At this week's Poetry Friday roundup, Mary Lee Hahn introduces readers to the Reading Without Walls challenge and multi-award-winning "activist poet" Marilyn Chin. Join her at A Year of Reading.


  1. These poems show all the ways people were present in a glorious padlet display, Michelle. Thanks to you and Margaret for igniting a way viewing and documenting our days. I especially like Jone's haiku/picture of the river. :)

  2. Yes, it has been a wonderful challenge. I've loved it. Thank you for being a platform to grow from.

  3. Echoing both Bridget and Linda. I loved these. Thanks, too, to Margaret, for this prompting! Will return to marinate longer, later. Need to find a photo for mine.... Janet Clare F.

  4. Thanks go to you and to Margaret for, as you said, "just the right challenge at just the right time." I have SO enjoyed being able to go to social media and find calming "news" and the company of likeminded souls.

  5. Oh I love that photo of the heart rocks which I collect. Margaret's challenge really was our May saving grace. I have been nurtured all the month by everyone's words. Thank you, Michelle, for this beautiful month of caring.

  6. Oh, my word! What an outstanding collection! This may be my favorite collection to read ever. Maybe it's the times, maybe it's the quiet inspiration drawn from these days, maybe it is the knowing through the collection that we are all in the same quiet canoe right now a few feet from shore, watching and waiting to join again at the campfire. Thanks everyone for the specialness of you.

  7. Thanks everyone for sharing these glimpses into your sheltered worlds.

  8. I am so humbled and overjoyed by the response to this prompt. The #poemsofpresence have taken me in and nurtured me through this ever-changing and uncertain time. Thank you for spotlighting me and creating a space for mindful poems.

  9. Yes, it is a wonderful collection, Michelle. I am so pleased to be a part of this grand collection of mindful interactions & moments of peace during quarantine life.

  10. This challenge has been such a pleasure. There was something very freeing about the assignment, the dailiness of it, and throwing it up on twitter, as I think Heidi said.

  11. Love this challenge and the myriad fabulous collection! Several of these have become favorites...Thanks so much!

  12. Thank you, Michelle and Margaret, for this challenge. As others have said, the timing was perfect. I'm always amazed at the variety of poems these challenges inspire. The month may be coming to an end, but I hope #PoemsofPresence carries on.

  13. Mercy, what a thing of beauty! Thank you,Michelle and Margaret, for wrangling this. I only wrote a few, but these werea constant lovely presence on Twitter.

  14. This collection of mindful poems has even more presence now with the upheaval via protests taking place around the country. Finding justice and keeping balanced often collide with one another. Thanks Michelle for making this small spot of respite, and thanks Margaret for the challenge.

  15. What a powerful month. This poetry reflects the need for mindfulness in such a strong way.
