Tuesday, August 13, 2019

DMC: "Let memories light our darkest hours" by Madeleine Kuderick

Let memories light our darkest hours –

with angel’s wings
and purple flowers,
pages singing
Mary’s Song,
children’s voices
poet strong,
words of wisdom,
Dear Ones,
sonnet, free verse,
rhyming runs,
music, stage,
records, honors,
laughter, cheers,
enduring love
fifty years.

Then in these times of trouble,
all the broken-hearted,
we will see,
the answer
is the memory
of Dear Lee.

© 2019 Madeleine Kuderick. All rights reserved.

TLD reader Jesse Anna Bornemann has challenged us to write a poem inspired by song lyrics this month. Click HERE for full instructions, and to post your poem for the challenge. Can you guess which songs inspired the other poems on the padlet?

While some contributions may be featured as daily ditties, all contributions will be included in a wrap-up celebration on Friday, August 30th.


  1. Such a beautiful tribute. Thanks for sharing this balm, Madeleine.

  2. It makes me feel really good, Madeleine, that you were able to take a TLD challenge and turn it into this beautiful tribute to Lee! Thanks for helping to heal our broken hearts with your words.

  3. It's wonderful, Madeleine, words that stand for Lee makes everyone smile, with some tears, too.

  4. Such soothing words in a time so many of us need them. Thank you, Madeline, and thank you for all your words over the years, Lee Bennet Hopkins.
