Monday, March 20, 2017

DMC: "Ode to Wind" by Linda Baie


I feel your power when fireplace ashes stir;
smoke puffed in stings my nose.
Window-tapping of the tree branches
accompanies dog growls and cat yowls.
I shiver-run for the news, taste snow in the wind.
Why not the breeze of yesterday?
Winter conceit.

© 2017 Linda Baie. All rights reserved.

Helen Frost has challenged us to write an ode poem this month, following these instructions: 
Choose an object (a seashell, a hairbrush, a bird nest, a rolling pin). It should not be anything symbolic (such as a doll, a wedding ring, or a flag). Write five lines about the object, using a different sense in each line (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell). Then ask the object a question, listen for its answer, and write the question, the answer, or both.
Click HERE to read her sample poem, "Ode to a River."

Post your poem on our March 2017 padlet. All contributions will be included in a wrap-up celebration on Friday, March 31st, and one lucky participant will win a personalized copy of her latest novel-in-poems from Farrar, Straus, and Giroux/Macmillan:


  1. I love the detail you use in describing each of the sensations, Linda — the stirring ashes, the sting of the smoke, etc. Hopefully the conceit can't go on for too much longer, right?

  2. Brr! I can feel the wind whipping around in your lines. You made me shiver, Linda!

  3. Nothing says winter quite like when you "taste snow in the wind". 'Cool' poem, Linda! (see what I did there?) =)

  4. O Linda, this is shivery in all the evocative ways.
    Love it.

  5. Thanks again, Michelle and for all the "cool" comments! We don't have winter anymore, at least lately, but I'm hoping it wants one more fling!

  6. Wonderful winter poem Linda! I love the movement of the wind in the lines of your poem from stinging your nose down to dogs growling and cats yowling. BTW if Chicago has one more winter fling I'll send it your way wrapped with a bow, I'm done with winter.

  7. Oooh, this is lovely. I especially love tasting snow in the wind!
