Tuesday, August 12, 2014

DMC: "Cock-a-doodle-HISS" by Bridget Magee

"I slither and slide
and take immense pride
in being a most helpful snake."
But Snake's forked tongue kiss
and Cock-a-doodle-HISS
did not help Farmer McPeeper wake.

– Bridget Magee, all rights reserved

Lori Degman has challenged us to wake Farmer McPeeper.  If you would like to join in the animal antics, write a stanza in the same style as COCK-A-DOODLE OOPS! (click HERE for details) and send to TodaysLittleDitty (at) gmail (dot) com or use the contact form in the sidebar to the right.

All participants will be rounded up for an end-of-month hoedown on August 29th and entered to win a personalized copy of Lori's delightful new picture book:


  1. Egads! I'm not sure I like the sound of a fork-tongued wake-up kiss! Perhaps it was best Farmer McPeeper slept through the experience. Thanks so much, Bridget, for bringing a taste of the Arizona desert to TLD!

  2. Another way to wake up-looking at a snake! Oh my! Terrific, Bridget!

  3. this is really cute. something my daughter would just love. :)

    thanks for sharing.

    stacy lynn mar

  4. So clever. I love it. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Bridget's so witty
    on Today's Little Ditty
    I'd like to bake her a cake!

  6. Thanks everyone! Yes, please, to the cake, Tabatha...chocolate. = )

  7. I love it, Bridget - ssssso clever!! Thanks for subbing it!

  8. Nothing like a forked-tongue kiss to get you going in the morning!
