Thursday, September 26, 2019

September DMC Wrap-Up Celebration

"This above all: to thine own self be true."   
– William Shakespeare, from Hamlet

At the beginning of this month, Jane Whittingham challenged us to use the letters in our names to write an all-about-me acrostic poem. 

It's been quite a lively meet and greet. 

"May I introduce myself?" by open-arms

I've loved getting to know many of you better through these glimpses of who you are, what you care about, and what makes you tick.

I even came across some farmyard friends who wanted to say hello...

"Hello!" by Dave Wild

"Curious minds..." by David Tomic

and otherwise get in on the action...

but unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone available to translate.

Here, in English, are the results of this month's challenge.
Scroll through the poems below or CLICK HERE to open a new tab. 

Made with Padlet

Many thanks to everyone who shared these personal little ditties, and to Jane Whittingham for such a fun back-to-school challenge!

If you're like me and haven't managed to write one yet, there's still time! Visit Jane's spotlight interview for instructions and then click on the pink dot with the plus sign to add your poem to the padlet. While there aren't many days left in September, I'll be leaving this padlet open indefinitely, so feel free to add to it at any point in the future.

Stay tuned for a new reader spotlight next Friday, October 4th.

The winner of last week's giveaway—a copy of Wild in the Streets: 20 Poems of City Animals by Marilyn Singer, illustrated by Gordy Wright (Quarto Publishing, 2019) is...

Congratulations, Irene!

Join Carol Varsalona at Beyond LiteracyLink for this week's Poetry Friday roundup. She's unveiling an Embraceable Summer Travels Across the World travel log, as part of her larger Embraceable Summer Gallery collection. Relive relaxing summer moments in art and poetry!


  1. Michelle, I loved all of the acrostic poems that gave me an additional peek into the character and lifestyle of poetry friends. I see that I did not include my name on mine so i added Gratitude Days-Carol Varsalona. It is waiting for your approval. Thanks for another fun ditty challenge and the shoutout of my post on Twitter.

  2. How fun! Jazz hands, tricorn hats, whimsical, joyful, hopeful, helpful writers and teachers. Great group!

  3. These are so much fun. Thanks for doing this. I wish I had mentioned typos in my poem, because I found one there. 8-)

  4. It was such fun to read all of these! I was inspired to write quite a few other acrostics as well. Thanks for the nudge!

  5. Oh, my gosh what fun! Thank you for the challenge and the meet-and-greet. Can't wait for next month.

  6. So many creative ways to write the acrostics. Thanks, Jane & Michelle

  7. Everyone managed so well with this confining form. I should give it a go.

  8. I'm getting reading to dive in and read these--I'm looking forward to getting to know a little more about poetry friends. But first I just realized I forgot to add my acrostic poems. I posted them yesterday but forgot to put them here, too. Be right back!

  9. The roundup is always a good time, even if I'm adding mine at the bitter end. : ) Thanks, Michelle and Jane.

  10. It's so much fun learning about everyone through their poems!

  11. I also thought getting to know each other through these poems to be delightful!

  12. Thank you, Michelle, for offering Jane's challenge to us.
    Thank you, poets, for these lovely get-to-know-you acrostics.
    Thank you for the smiles and joy each one of them and you all bring.
    So readable and enJOYable over and over and over again.

